
a prayer for tattered creatures

Last night as I was tucking Anna in she showed me a butterfly's wing she'd found in the back yard. To her amazement and mine, she was able to identify the butterfly in her animal kingdom book by slipping the wing on top of the butterfly image in the book.

Just before I left I asked her if there was anyone we should pray for.

"For butterflies that have lost their wings, for butterflies with a tear in their wing and for the ones who died," she said, "And also for dogs with only one eye."


Dove Knits said...

Amen. I'll pray for that.

Jenny said...


How could you be so speedy? I had just clicked "publish" and your comment appeared in my inbox.


A M B E R said...

"also for dogs with only one eye" I love that.

Ser said...

I had a dog with one eye growing up. She died, so perhaps Anna's prayers will help Cocoa reach eternal doggie salvation.

I love their prayers at this age.


Anonymous said...

Love this post Jenny
I am a butterfly lover:)
and "also for dogs with only one eye" how funny the things kids think about i love it:)
thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Could you ask her to add cats with halitosis?