
ocean blessing

So today we blessed the ocean, which my husband thought was a wee bit ambitious--but, he said, "It might be a big ocean, but God is still bigger." While we were praying, a few locals were fishing nearby, and frying the fish right behind us. During the blessing, we watched them tug one fish after another out of the sea. At one point, the fisherman hollered, holding up his fish. Pat turned to me and help up five fingers--mouthing, "That's his fifth one!"

After the prayers as we made our way past the family and they asked about our faith and what we were doing. Fr. John explained that we were blessing the ocean and that we enjoyed watching their incredible catch. "That was 'cause you were praying," the man said, turning to flip his Sunday lunch.

1 comment:

Ser said...

Oooh, my kids would have loved this. Or at least the roar of the ocean would have covered their LOUD noises and the grandeur would have distracted others from their AWFUL (yet understandable) behavior during the Great Blessing of the Waters.

And we are loving the pictures of Anna with various lizards. I love that she is so brave, and the boys are envious. I think you should get a picture of her in a princess outfit holding one of those creatures.